Archive for May 2010

Desktop Costume: Customization Part 1

This time, I am going to explain how to customize your XP desktop.
First you must make sure that the system that you are using is fast and clean. I am referring you to a newly installed or fresh copy of Windows XP to customize for better performance. Well, it's not that important requirement though, but I believe that It's better.

You can choose any of the shell packs that can be downloaded in Shell Packs. For me, I chose the Bricopack Crystal Clear since I want a light-fresh looking theme.

Install it as soon as you are finished downloading it. Just click next and then next until finish. Then restart your computer for the Desktop Customization to fully function.

Here's what it will look like in the first time after restarting your computer.

Of course I did some modification and turned it into this. I added some shortcuts in the rocketdock. And change into a it's theme TUX. :D and it looked like this.

Keep in touch with me on How to Customize your desktop.
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Desktop Costume : Customization

Recently (actually just on this rainy day!), despite the very busy and hectic schedule, I suddenly realize that my desktop's theme is boring. Confusing, may be because it doesn't have style. It only looks exactly the original classic theme of Windows XP. So I thought about Customizing the desktop theme my laptop.

My laptop was originally Vista. Then I upgraded it Windows 7, but nahhhh, after it damaged my battery, I downgraded to Windows XP SP2. Windows 7 and Vista was boring. Unlike XP, you can do many things, like customizing.

First My options were to:
1) Upgrade to Windows 7 (again!)
2) or Find a theme that just looks like Seven
3) Upgrade to Vista (again)
4) or Just find a theme like Vista (BrickoPacks!-just like before).

None of those options were actually good or maybe it's not even going to be considered good. So I just Google the web, look for some Windows XP Themes and Visual Styles. I have tried that Seven style, but it looks really ugly. Then what turned out my desktop now was this!

I have decided to make posts about how did I customize my desktop. I made it better than Windows 7 and Vista!

So keep in touch on how to Customize your desktop.

Know your voting precinct

It's election time in our country so I decided to place this post. "How to know your voting precinct."

So you don't know where you are going to vote? I mean, which precinct and where is that located. Don't worry, if you have a computer just browse to Comelec Precinct Finder!

Simple and easy steps! Just input all the information that is needed. Full name and your complete date of birth in the form that looks just like below.

After clicking search. You will be redirected to the result page with the complete information of the place were you're gonna vote.

Otherwise if the search fails you will be redirected to a page telling you that the search was not found in the database (something like that).

What are you waiting for!? Go and search now. And don't forget to give me some clicks! :p

Voting, precinct, know, how to, know your voting precinct Philippines