How to change Thumbnail Appearance

tested in Windows XP SP2

Hello guys. Here is another tweak that can help you easily browse photos in your computer. We need to change the quality and size a bit so that you can browse the photos faster in a thumbnail view.

This is a very easy tweak. Hope you will get it in your first try.

1. Open your registry editor. Start > Run and type "regedit.exe". Hit Enter.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft \ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer
3. Add a new DWORD Value and name it Thumbnail Quality.
4. Set its value between 32 and 256.
5. Next. Add a new DWORD Value and name it ThumbnailQuality.
6. Set it's value between 50 and 100.

You're done!

Note: This tweak was based on a tutorial I read sometime before. When I googled this topic again, the results were not what I expected to have. And I tried a much more specific search "How to change Thumbnail size and quality" there displayed the same topic as mine. But it's not the site where I first read the tweak.

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